Great Passion Play
The life of Jesus Christ has inspired the world for thousands of years – and there is no better place to experience the powerful story of Christ’s final days and His life in the Holy Land than The Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

The Great Passion Play
This incredible live production – depicting Jesus’s entrance into Jerusalem and the days leading up to his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension – is staged three times a week from Memorial Day until the end of October. The powerful 105-minute re-enactment of Jesus’s final days takes place across a multi-level set with special lighting, live animals and 170 actors in Biblical clothing. The 4,000-seat outdoor amphitheater brings an ancient-world feel to this thrilling epic drama.
The production runs on Good Friday and Holy Saturday of Easter Weekend and resumes Memorial Day weekend through the end of October on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays through the end of October. There are special Sunday performances on Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend.
View the season schedule here.

Holy Land Tour
Also on the grounds of The Great Passion Play, visitors can walk in the steps of Jesus on the Holy Land Tour, which reproduces key moments in the life of Jesus and the Bible. All exhibits have been thoroughly researched to ensure they are archeologically and historically accurate. Visitors will see a full-sized replica of Jerusalem’s Eastern Gate, through which Jesus entered the city. They can also experience the Sea of Galilee, the Upper Room where Jesus and his Disciples held the Last Supper, and the Garden Tomb. The tour also includes the Bethlehem inn and the stable where Jesus was born, as well as Moses’s Tabernacle in the Wilderness.
Bus tours run every 45 minutes starting at 12 pm on performance days (11 am on Good Friday and Saturday and after August 15). Guides explain each exhibit and stop to let visitors discover the living history of the Scriptures for themselves. The last tour leaves at 3:45 pm (2:45 pm on Good Friday and Saturday and after August 15). Each stop includes some walking, with the longest walk being about 30 minutes. Tours also happen year-round, every day but Sunday with a single guide at 2 pm.
Learn more about the Holy Land Tour here.
Mission Trips and Internships
The Great Passion Play welcomes visitors to join in through missions and internships. Mission groups provide crucial help for as much as a week or as little as a day doing service on the Great Passion Play property. Group members can even join the play’s cast if they wish!
Internships give high school and college students the chance to perform in The Great Passion Play or in the Holy Land, work backstage on sets, or help mission groups. Programs provide on-site housing, most meals and a weekly stipend.
Learn more about missions and internships here.

Christ of the Ozarks
No visit to The Great Passion Play is complete without experiencing the Christ of the Ozarks sculpture. Completed in 1966, the 67-feet-high sculpture of Jesus with His arms outspread remains among the most-visited attractions in the Ozarks. The inspiring sculpture is set on Magnetic Mountain overlooking Eureka Springs. Its outspread arms measure 65 feet from fingertip to fingertip.
Learn more about visiting here.